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Get Ready for the Upcoming Solar Eclipse!
On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will cross North America! Pick up your free solar eclipse glasses or viewers at the library beginning Monday, March 18 while supplies last (one pair per family, please).
While we are not in the path of totality, we will be hosting a viewing party on the big day. Join us on April 8 on the main floor of the library from 12:30 – 3:30 pm to grab a free pair of solar eclipse glasses or viewers (while supplies last). We will be livestreaming the eclipse via NASA and making pinhole eclipse viewers and eclipse chalk art to take home! Participants are encouraged to go outside to the west plaza throughout the event to safely view the eclipse (with proper eclipse glasses or viewers!), especially for maximum coverage at 2:07 pm.
Solar Eclipse glasses and viewers were generously provided by STAR Net (Science-Technology Activities & Resources for Libraries) and the Adler Planetarium.