
Get Your Free Ticket to the 2025 Wheaton Area Summer Camp Fair

Meet with camp providers & participate in fun kids' activities to get your family ready for Summer

By Erica Alhorn, Macaroni KID Wheaton January 28, 2025

Did you miss the fair? Don't worry! All the camps that were at the Wheaton Area Summer Camp Fair are also featured in the 2025 Wheaton Area Summer Camp Guide. Browse their listings and check out all the amazing local summer camps this year!

Mark your calendars and RSVP today to save your spot for the first annual Wheaton Area Summer Camp Fair! We've put together a day filled with fun activities for the kids, interactive demos and classes, and an opportunity to meet with local camp providers face to face. You'll get a chance to browse great local options, ask camp directors questions 1:1, and find the best fit for your kids, so you can give them an engaging and exciting summer!

Watch performances from LOVV The Dance Studio, practice your putting with The Golf Practice, and get some yummy cotton candy from The Sweetest Adventure. We'll have a lineup of great camp & activity providers you can meet with to learn about all the programs they offer. 

Don't forget to tell your friends -- it's a lot easier to plan summer camps for your kids together when you're side by side (rather than neverending text threads!)

Do you have to RSVP? No - if we're not at capacity, you'll still be able to attend, but providing your email for a ticket means you'll get reminders up until the event so you don't forget (hello, mom brain!) and we'll be able to send you a comprehensive guide afterwards that includes all the details of the camps you meet at the fair, important registration dates and links, and more! Plus it helps us plan for attendance so we have plenty of supplies and goodies for you on the day of the event!

But remember, we only have 100 swag bags to give away for the first 100 families in the door, so don't be late!

HUGE thank you to our co-host and venue, The Waldorf School of DuPage, for helping us put on this amazing day for you! A little more about them:

And another big THANK YOU to our community sponsors, Turning Wheels Pediatric Therapy and Card My Yard Wheaton -- with their support we're able to offer this event FREE for all families:

Can't make it to the fair but want to browse local summer camps from the comfort of your couch, all in one place? We've got you covered! Check out the Macaroni KID Wheaton Summer Camp guide, featuring outdoor camps, art camps, dance camps, coding camps, STEM camps, overnight camps, general day camps, and more!